We Have To Amputate Your Legs, Today! That's What The Doctor Told Me As I Lay In a Hospital Bed...
My son and daughter looked at me like they were watching their daddy die, and I guess they were.
My 6yr old daughter held my hands, looked me in the eye and said – Daddy please don’t die…
The blinding, fluorescent lights buzzed over my head, and my nostrils filled with that bleach hospital smell, overpowering me in the cramped, chilly room.
My wife squeezed my hand, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“No,” she cried. “He can’t live the rest of his life in a wheelchair.”

Without the amputation, "the doctor told me, "you'll be dead within a year"
I couldn’t believe it…
But 4 years ago, the doctors wanted to put me under anesthesia, and cut off my legs… leaving nothing but worthless stumps.

All because I was one of 70 million Nigerians with pre-diabetes or diabetes…
…the disease that ran rampant through my body, thrashing the blood vessels in my limbs, until it practically cut off the circulation to my legs.
The doctor made it clear that if he didn’t amputate, that …my legs would rotten like spoiled meat.
So, what happened? And why am i telling you this?

Rev. David O.J
My name is Rev. David O.J,
And I'm telling you this because --
"I don't want you to go through the same horrifying experience that I did".
Now, when all this happened, I didn’t know all that much about this debilitating and potentially deadly disease.
But now, I’ve done my homework. And in my research, I’ve uncovered some eye-opening — even shocking — facts. But I’ve also found hope for people like me, people who have diabetes.
Now, a lot of people act like I did when I got diagnosed with diabetes. We let the statistics go in one ear, and out the other.
But this is important. Because every single person represented in these statistics is someone like you and me. A mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a son or daughter. Grandparents. Friends. Neighbors. Coworkers. Loved ones. You. Me.
We don’t think we’re going to become a statistic. But that’s what this horrible disease does to folks like us.
Like the stat I was being faced with that day at the hospital: did you know that every day, over 20 people with diabetes have a limb amputated?
That’s over 7,000 per year.
Yes, I will repeat. 7,000 sufferers have their limbs cut off in a calendar year.
Even more distressing, one in 4 didn’t know they had diabetes until it was too late. But worst of all, amputation isn’t even the most dangerous part of uncontrolled blood sugar…
As you may or may not know…
…diabetes also leads to Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart failure, and cancer;
When you have excess glucose, your blood becomes a nutrition-packed smoothie for cancer tumors, helping them grow at deadly speeds.
That’s why the Harvard Medical School Cancer Center has warned that up to 80% of all cancer is at least partially caused by imbalanced blood glucose and insulin.
But it doesn’t end there… A study published in the medical journal Neurology found that diabetes “almost doubled the risk of dementia.”
Your glucose-packed blood constantly rushes through your brain, adding to the buildup that causes Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. When I read that, I had trouble not imagining it happening inside my own brain.
As I kept reading about my disease, it only got worse:
One study showed that if you’ve got diabetes, your risk of heart attack is 11 times higher than the average person.
At my age, I already had to worry about heart attacks.
It was terrifying to learn that my risk was so much higher than I thought. Another found that diabetes increases your risk of having a stroke by 150%.
And during a stroke, diabetes makes it even harder for blood to get to your brain.
For most people, a stroke has about a 17% chance of being fatal…
But if you’re diabetic, a stroke is almost a 100% death sentence.
I knew Type 2 Diabetes was bad, but it wasn’t until I found these stats that I realized just how deadly of a situation I was in.
So, if high blood sugar and Type 2 Diabetes are so deadly…
“Why do most doctors prescribe treatments that only manage the symptoms… while ignoring the real cause of the disease?”
(The short answer is that in the last few years, eleven pharmaceutical giants have been caught bribing hospitals and doctors to prescribe their medicine, regardless of the best treatment. But I’ll share those details with you in just a second.)
First, I want to tell you the story of my own diabetes battle, and show you the natural remedy that have been hidden which you can use to reverse your Type 2 Diabetes.
It’s all thanks to a honest diabetes researcher named Dr. Roy Taylor, who solved a decades-old medical mystery:
Dr. Roy Taylor
People have been reversing their diabetes through a combination of natural products but we are being kept in the dark by these humongous pharmaceutical companies.
That is, until Dr. Taylor found the answer, and changed diabetes treatment as we know it forever. These products work by “jumpstarting” your pancreas – the part of your body that keeps your blood sugar levels healthy, keeping away insulin resistance.
With this “pancreas jumpstart solution” that I’m about to show you, you’ll be able to reverse your Type 2 Diabetes, sharply reducing or even eliminating your need for insulin, metformin, Amaryl and your other erstwhile medications.
Yes, erstwhile! As it will soon be for you.
When you read this publication to the end, you are going to see how easy and most relaxing it was to instantly lower my blood sugar even after I enjoy something sweet (because I’m a sucker for a can of Coke, or a bowl of vanilla ice cream and sugarcane).
Watch Doctor Roy Taylor 's Presentation on This Breakthrough Discovery!
And this isn’t some gimmick you see on the internet like drinking gallons of water or soaking your food in vinegar and other bitter stuff.
…it’s just reliable natural products, discovered by medical researchers to keep your blood sugar down for up to 24 hours! Because, let’s face it. When you jump-start your pancreas,
But I’ll warn you though.
You see, the $245 billion pharmaceutical industry is making a fortune with their insanely priced insulin shots and oral medications, which come packed with painful side effects, and only help manage the symptoms of your diabetes, leaving you on “diabetes life support” until you die.
You should know this…
In late 2014, the federal government of the US slapped diabetes medication manufacturer Sanofi with fraud charges… for bribing hospitals and doctors millions of dollars to push their medication on innocent people with diabetes like you and me.
And they’re just one of over 40 pharmaceutical companies who have faced similar fraud charges in the last ten years.
Once the word spreads about jump-starting your pancreas to reverse Type 2 Diabetes, big pharmacies are going to go out of billions of dollars.
So, you can imagine the fraudster CEOs are not happy you’re reading this.
Because once you know these secrets, you’re only months away from reversing your Type-2 diabetes or pre-diabetes (and for some people, it’s as quick as 39 days.)
Look! It doesn’t matter if you’ve had your diabetes for decades.
It doesn’t matter how old you are.
It doesn’t matter if your blood sugar levels are sky-high...
Once you discover how to jump-start your pancreas (which I'm about to reveal to you on this publication)
Just like these people who have already jumpstarted their pancreas…
Michael Osuobeni Your breakthrough video showed me the simple solution to my diabetes, and you had the science to back it up. I thought I’d be stuck with Type 2 diabetes forever. But now I’ve been diabetes-free almost 18 months. My doctor was shocked when I told him that I hadn’t had insulin shot for weeks. He had to test my blood sugar himself to believe it. It was quite easy to administer your “Diasulin” natural products. In 74 days, I was free of diabetes. Thank you!
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And Mr. Lawal from Ogun who said…

Lawal Damola Jr I felt overwhelmed by my diabetes. I was always tired at work, and I couldn’t keep up with my kids anymore! Just the thought of vacation, or even a day on the town, made me feel exhausted. Diabetes made me feel like a prisoner in my own life. I’m so glad I found Diasulin product to reverse my Type 2 diabetes. It’s not untested, junk science. It’s a proven, practical method to jumpstart your pancreas and get your body to regulate your blood sugar again. I’m living proof that it works… I haven’t needed diabetes medication for over 6 months! Everybody with Type 2 diabetes needs to use this product right now, so they can reverse their diabetes in just few weeks.
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It's not your fault you have diabetes! And it's not an issue of being skinny and fat.
You see, Once you understand that this Diasulin natural product is all out to tackle the mechanism of the cause of Type 2 Diabetes, and not just some ‘cutting of the leaves while leaving the root method’, you’ll sharply eliminate your need for other medications.
(Which you can imagine will put a dent in the fraudulent profits of those 11 pharmaceutical companies.)
So, turn off your cell phone, and grab a pen and paper…
You’re about to discover how to Destroy Your Type 2 Diabetes.
Now, I’m going to share my story with you, and honestly, it’s a little embarrassing, but it’s worth it to help you break free from your disease.
I’m 51 years, I have a wife and 2 children, and I’m the head chef at StopChop 5-star restaurant.
A few years ago, I almost lost everything.
I’d been suffering from Type 2 Diabetes for over a decade.
I always had to worry about which foods would send my blood sugar off the charts.
I became a chef because I loved food, and now I was stuck eating bland, boring meals.
I was a burden on my family, and I was terrified my kids would end up with my disease.
Every single day I had to prick my finger to test my blood sugar, and then give myself painful insulin shots.
I was spending about N170,000 per month on insulin alone.
I tried the other diabetes medications that my doctor recommended, like Metformin, Actos, or Amaryl.
That was a disaster. I emptied my bank account and just about killing myself taking them.
Metformin and Actos made me feel nauseous all the time, and Amaryl made me fat.
Plus, a New England Journal of Medicine study linked several diabetes medicines to a 64% higher risk of heart attack or cardiovascular death!
Even when I spent a week vacation with my family, I couldn’t relax, always worrying about my blood sugar, and whether I could get back to cooler if I needed insulin.
My Type 2 Diabetes was emptying my wallet, destroying my body, and making my life miserable.
I felt trapped.
You’ve probably felt that way before… isn’t it? And somewhat terrified that your diabetes is going to make your life worse and worse, until it finally decides to kill you.
But for me, it was about to get even worse.
I’ll never forget that day in my restaurant’s kitchen…
I was understaffed on a Saturday evening – the busiest shift of the week.
My stress was through the roof, my heart was pounding, and the kitchen felt hotter and more humid than ever.
I received an order for a medium-rare steak…
…and then my knees went weak. The next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital.
I saw my wife and 2 teenage kids sitting around me, their eyes red and puffy from crying.
The room smelled like cleaning liquid, and I heard the steady beeping of the heart monitor.
When my wife saw I was awake, she threw her arms around me, and then called for the doctor.
My son and daughter looked at me like they were watching their daddy die, and I guess they were.
My 6yr old daughter held my hands, looked me in the eye and said – Daddy please don’t die…
Tears drip from my eyes and before I could utter a word, the doctor came in to look me up. . .and to explain what happened.
“You went into a diabetic coma,” said the doctor. “A Non-Ketotic Hyperglycaemic Hyperosmolar Coma. And Your blood glucose level was at 1,174.” Do I even know what that means?
One of the other chefs had called a taxi, and some quick-thinking paramedics and Emergency Room doctors had saved my life.
If I’d been alone when it happened, I’d be dead.
The doctor cleared his throat (eerghm) like he was nervous about telling me something even worse…
He continued, because your diabetes is so advanced, we’ll need to amputate your legs… I’ve scheduled the surgery for this afternoon.”
“No!” said my wife. “Absolutely not.” “I’m sorry,” the doctor insisted, “We can give him another 10 years to live, but we have to operate immediately.”
My daughter started crying.
While my wife argued with the doctor, I got lost in my thoughts.
Amputation. Sincerely, it’s every diabetic’s worst fear.
And only 10 years to live.
I didn’t believe it. The doctor had to be wrong.
How was I going to support my family? I couldn’t run a restaurant kitchen from a wheelchair!
I would spend my last years crippled and useless?
The future felt like a dark, fuzzy blur and terrifying path that I didn’t want to go through.
(I didn’t know it yet, but if it wasn’t for the fraudsters at these 11 pharmaceutical companies bribing doctors to prescribe their drugs, then I might have already heard about these natural products to reverse my disease.
It was like they had ripped away my golden years of retirement, robbed me of my chance to meet my grandchildren, and destroyed the life I had worked so hard to build. But I’ll get to that in a second.)
Now, all the time I was thinking this, my wife was arguing with the doctor. And trust me, when my wife gets upset, she tends to get what she wants.
When I started listening again, she was telling the doctor, “there is no way you’re cutting off his legs”.
And the doctor responded, “The longest we can wait to amputate is 30 days,”.
JUST 30!
“If we wait any longer, it will be too dangerous.”
My wife gave a short little nod like she had won, but the tears glistening in her eyes told me she was heartbroken.
The next week was the worst week of my life.
I sat at home on my couch, scared and depressed.
My family treated me like I was already dead. My daughter said, “I love you, Daddy” every time she walked by, and my son got mad and wouldn’t talk to me. He didn’t understand why I couldn’t be around forever.
I was ready to give up.
But then, a Facebook post saved me.
My friend shared an article about a diabetes researcher named Roy Taylor;
He’s a medical doctor and professor of medicine and metabolism at Newcastle University.
Other universities look to Newcastle as a pioneer in health research. Its professors and alumni have received numerous awards and medals for their achievements in science and medicine. More importantly, they’ve saved millions of lives by curing and preventing diseases.
And Dr. Taylor fits right in. His research has been published in dozens of medical journals, changing the way we see diabetes. Yale University even tried to hire him, but he felt loyal to Newcastle.
A few years ago, Dr. Taylor faced his biggest challenge yet… a medical mystery that had gone unsolved since 1954:
When Type 2 diabetics have gastric bypass surgery, their diabetes disappears almost overnight.
This happens all over the world, and it’s been happening for decades.
The thing is, gastric bypass surgery is an operation on the stomach. It doesn’t have anything to do with blood sugar or diabetes.
And yet almost every single patient has their blood sugar and insulin levels return to normal, reversing their Type 2 Diabetes, and reducing or even eliminating their need for medication.
But for years, no one knew why.
Something was reversing their Type 2 Diabetes, and Dr. Taylor set out to figure it out.
Now, we already knew that Type 2 diabetes have fat deposits around their pancreas. But for years, researchers thought they were an effect of the disease.
Here’s what Dr. Taylor discovered: fat deposits around the pancreas are the primary cause of the disease.
See, the pancreas produce insulin, the hormone that helps your body absorb blood sugar. That means the pancreas is the organ responsible for keeping your blood glucose levels normal. It’s a precise job – not enough insulin, and your blood sugar will skyrocket.
When fat deposits form around the pancreas, it throws everything out of whack. That fat squeezes and invades the pancreas, preventing it from producing enough insulin, and increasing your body’s insulin resistance.
That means your bloodstream gets less insulin, and the insulin that’s actually there can barely do its job of helping your body absorb blood sugar.
These fat deposits keep your blood glucose levels dangerously high, making you develop Type 2 Diabetes.
Dr. Taylor realized that for the gastric bypass patients, their Type 2 Diabetes disappeared because the fat deposits around their pancreas disappeared.
Get rid of the fat deposits, and you get rid of Type 2 Diabetes.
Remember, the surgery doesn’t touch these fat deposits. So, the mystery continued: What was dissolving these fat deposits?
Gradually, in early 2012, Dr. Taylor got a clue.
Everyone that goes through gastric bypass surgery is given a temporary food supplement plan to follow.
This food supplement plan (inform of capsule) has the exact fats, sugars, carbs, and essential vitamins and minerals to attack and destroy those fat deposits around the pancreas.
Getting rid of them so quickly was like giving a jumpstart to the pancreas.
With the fat deposits gone, the pancreas kicked back into gear, regulating blood glucose by producing the right amount of insulin and lowering insulin resistance.
By the end of this specialized food supplement plan, (which took about 58 days) virtually every single person eliminated their need for diabetes medication.
Dr. Taylor was thrilled. He had discovered the real cause of Type 2 Diabetes, and he had just discovered the solution that had been right under everyone’s nose for decades!
And since Dr. Taylor works at one of the top diabetes research universities in the world, he didn’t have to try to convince people that he was right… he could prove it.
He designed a temporary meal plan to jumpstart the pancreas, based on the one used by the gastric bypass patients. Then he ran a medical study at Newcastle University, which in 2013 was published in the medical journal Diabetologia.
Dr. Taylor gave his food supplement remedy to people with Type 2 Diabetes from all works of life: men, women, young, old, the newly diagnosed and people who have had the disease for decades…
The results were amazing.
Watch the video below to see the first patients whose Type diabetes was put into remission.
Everyone who completed the dosage saw the fat deposits around their pancreas disappear, their blood sugar normalizes, and their Type 2 Diabetes reversed. Every single person was able to stop taking their medication.
I’ll say that again: all of the participants. I mean 100%. Remember, these results were peer-reviewed in the medical journal Diabetologia, which means other researchers tested them for accuracy with the utmost scrutiny.
When I read how successful this was, I was both excited and furious.
Excited because now I had hope for the future and, I hadn’t allowed the doctor to amputate my legs just yet. And furious because Dr. Taylor published his study several years ago.
“Why wasn’t this the first thing my doctor told me when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes?”
What he should have said was: “You have diabetes, now let’s get rid of it.” Instead, what they actually said was: “You have diabetes, let’s put a band-aid on the symptoms.”
Because that’s what diabetes medication and insulin shots are: “band-aid fixes” that only treat the symptoms…
…when the root cause of your diabetes is the fat deposits around your pancreas.
Now, I wasn’t just complaining, I really wanted to know why I’d never heard about this. I’ve gone to the same doctor for 20 years. I trusted him. If he knew there was a solution, he would have told me.
What I discovered next made my blood boil:
The federal government recently charged the diabetes medication manufacturer Sanofi with fraud:
Big pharma has been bribing doctors and hospitals to prescribe their diabetes medication.
It’s a French company called Sanofi, and they’ve been charged with bribing hospitals and doctors in the U.S. and Africa. . .to prescribe Sanofi diabetes medication.
I’m talking tens of millions of dollars.
And that’s not even the worst of it.
In just the last 10 years, 11 of the top 25 pharmaceutical companies have faced similar bribery charges.
(And 24 of the top 25 companies have faced other fraud charges, including covering up dangerous side effects, lying about success rates, and illegally inflating prices).
Last year, in the US alone, pharmaceutical companies paid $3.75 billion in penalties for fraud… more than the previous 8 years combined.
The problem is only getting worse.
So, it’s no wonder the word about this natural treatment hadn’t got out…
Pharmacy giants like Sanofi are bribing doctors to prescribe you their drugs instead!
Obviously, they couldn’t have bribed every single doctor, but they don’t have to. Just bribing a few who are on top is enough …to stop the news of this discovery from spreading. So, I knew if I wanted to reverse my diabetes, I was on my own.
As good and simple as the discovery of this breakthrough food-supplement-pill sounded, Dr Taylor with years of experience understands that COMPLIANCE to meal plan would be an issue.
As difficult as it may seem to adhere to a drug plan, it is much more herculean task when compared to that of meal plan.
Dr Taylor knew he had not completed his research and went further to dig deep and see if there could be a substance or a combination of it, that could be formulated, that can mimic the action of the meal plan. Since we now know the cause of diabetes and insulin resistance.
What the meal plan did was to boost metabolism to achieve the blood sugar lowering effect. How can this same metabolism be achieved with a drug?
In 2013, alas! Light broke forth. A natural product was found that could deal with the fat that upsurges the blood sugar level.
These natural products actually reversed my Type 2 Diabetes. I told my wife and she wept for joy.
Then came the day I’d been dreading: My next appointment with my doctor.
He wanted to check how I was doing… And schedule the surgery to amputate my legs. I went to the hospital, they did their tests, and then I waited in the exam room.
First, the doctor stuck his head in.
“There’s something wrong with the tests.
We’re running them again.”
So, I waited even longer.
Finally, he came back.
“What did you do?” he asked, looking at his clipboard.
For a second, I thought he was mad at me.
“What did you change?” he asked again. “A new diet?”
I told him about jumpstarting my pancreas with a "Diasulin food supplement".
“Well,” said the doctor, “that just saved your legs, and your life.
“We don’t need to amputate. And as healthy as these tests look, you could live to be a hundred.
He continued… “6 weeks ago, you had the worst case of Type 2 Diabetes I’ve ever seen. And now it’s like you never had it at all. It’s a miracle.”
…I want you to imagine what it felt like to hear the doctor say “your diabetes has disappeared.”
Suddenly, I had my whole life ahead of me.
I was finally free.
That evening over a scrumptious dinner, I told my wife everything.
“We have to share your secret,” my wife said.
Now, I don’t know what I was thinking, but I was hopeful the pharmaceutical companies would want to hear me out. I called, and wrote letters, but it was no use.
Of course, they didn’t care.
The pharmaceutical companies make over $245 billion on diabetes every year, and they know exactly how much each one of their customers is worth to them.
The earn about $4,174/year (N1.5m) for each diabetic patient.
That is $83,500 (or approximately N30m) or more over their lifetime!
But they only get that money if they keep you managing the symptoms of your disease instead of fixing the cause.
And as those 11 pharmaceutical giants have shown, they’ll do anything to keep those profits… even bribe doctors to prescribe their drugs.
I was mad as hell.
If I wanted to get the word out, it would be up to me.
My wife and I decided to gather some group of people who know the truth about the real cause of Type 2 Diabetes, and the secret to jumpstarting your pancreas so you can throw away your insulin, metformin and all.
We started with friends, family, and neighbors – anyone we knew who suffered from Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. We shared my story, and invited them to try what I’d learned for themselves.
I couldn’t believe the results…
Everyone who took “Diasulin” natural products reversed their Type 2 Diabetes. They couldn’t thank us enough.
Once we saw how much these natural products helped people…
We knew we had to go bigger, and show the whole world about jumpstarting the pancreas.
The night we finished; we were sitting at my kitchen table. We’d just shared a hearty meal (something we’d never been able to do if I hadn’t reversed my diabetes).
I told my wife, “This is it. The answer for everyone with Type 2 Diabetes. It’s their key to freedom.”
We could both feel how big this was.
We knew there are people who would want to shut us down, but we were determined to share the truth.
We called it the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer, and started sharing it over the Internet.
These natural products have been saving lives, and giving diabetes sufferers hope and optimism about the future.
If you’re reading this publication so far, then I think you’re ready to be part of this exclusive group of people. I want you to be ready to purchase this product that helps you with metabolism without stress.
I want you to be one of the few who knows how to Destroy Your Type 2 Diabetes…

These Scientific breakthrough formula is capable of:
Bringing your blood glucose to normal.
Bringing your cholesterol level to normal.
Activating the islets gland of the pancreas to secrete insulin.
Attacking and removing excess glucose from the blood and preventing complication of diabetes.
You must have understood that diabetes isn’t your fault, and you now know what’s really causing it, you are ready to move on and deal with the problem.
With Diasulin Capsule, you can say goodbye to a life full of frustration and fear, and start enjoying freedom from diabetes.
Now you might be wondering…
How fast can you expect to see results?
Well, in Dr. Taylor’s main study, they tested people at 8 weeks, and then at 12 weeks.
By 8 weeks, about 50% of the participants had normal blood glucose levels.
By 12 weeks, 100% of the participants had reversed their Type 2 Diabetes. The fastest it has happened was 47 days. So, if you start using Diasulin Capsule today, you could be diabetes free in less than 90 days.
Here’s what it could be like for you:
For your fourth to fifth week of using Diasulin Capsule… A lot of people say they have more energy on the very first week.
- You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and well rested than you have in years. Each week, as you test your blood glucose levels, you’ll notice that number getting closer and closer to where it should be.
- You’ll discover that it feels like there are more hours in the day, and you’re getting more done.
- The truth is, you’re so used to being exhausted all the time. If you suffer from painful, tingling neuropathy, you should notice that starting to disappear around the end of the third week.
- Over the next 8 to 12 weeks, as you religiously take your Diasulin Capsule, your pancreas will kick back into gear, and your body will remember how to absorb insulin. Your blood glucose will stay at a healthy, normal level.
- You’ll be able to stop taking insulin injections.
- You’ll be able to talk to your doctor, and see the surprised look on his face just like I saw on my doctor’s face when he saw my Type 2 Diabetes was gone.
…If you start today, then in less than 90 days from today you would be free to enjoy life, and never again worry about diabetes-related early death or amputation.
If that sounds as amazing to you as it has to me, and thousands of others, then don’t hesitate to get this miracle pill as soon as possible.
You know, I would love to give this away for free, like I did to the first few friends I helped.
I would love to help every single person who has found themselves trapped in the shackles of Type 2 Diabetes suddenly jumpstart their pancreas and have their diabetes reversed. And if I had all the money in the world to fund this myself, I would.
But the reality is… We’re up against some pretty big forces here. I told you how the big pharmaceutical companies make $245 billion a year on treating diabetes.
They have all the money they need to practically bury anything we do to share this message with the world. So, I need your help, in the form of giving me a fair price for this breakthrough formulae that would radically change your life for the better.
I could tell you Diasulin Capsule is worth over NGN450,000.
And it should be, probably, since it’ll save you more than that on medical costs every year.
My wife and I could get rich, maybe, if we charged that much for it.
(Big pharma may be comfortable charging you NGN450,000 to put a band aid on your diabetes, but I’m not that kind of person).
I may be a chef, but I’m just a regular guy. I don’t want to stiff you on this. I want you to feel like you’re getting way more value than the little investment you make.
You can start destroying your Type 2 Diabetes right now for only NGN33,999.
However, It's highly recommended you take 3 bottles of Diasulin to get the desired result.
So, if you order for the 3bottles today, instead of paying the usual N102,000, you'll pay N87,999 for the 3 MONTHS SUPPLY OF DIASULIN CAPSULE.
So, you get some serious savings of 14,000 Naira. . ., and you help us spread this message even wider.
Get at least 3 bottles of Dialusin capsule for 3 months …to totally eliminate your Type 2 diabetes…
…And of course, it’s the exact number of bottles I took to reversed my disease in less than 90 days… So, I give you my word on this.
Click the link below to place order while it last...
Watch the video below to see what a typical delivery looks like.
Your Delivery would be made in 24-48hrs by AEPOD Courier Inc.
As you may or may not know, I'm a busy chef, and a reverend. I can't possibly handle every calls and messages that constantly comes in. . .
. . .So to solve this problem, I've partnered with a AEPOD to help take the calls and attend to whatever queries on my behalf. They'll also be responsible to delivering Diasulin package to your doorstep before you make payment.

Diasulin delivery package

Diasulin capsule package
Now, take a second and imagine what it’ll be like to finally be able to get rid of your daily insulin shot and feel in control of your life again.
It’s time to be free of Type 2 Diabetes.
What our customers are saying:

These are NOT the only testimonials. Those are just 3 i could pick at random...
Join Over 9,000 Happy Customers
You don't have to pay for shipping...
We can ship to your home address, your office, your mum or dad’s address or even a friend’s house.
Just let us know where you want your bottles shipped.
What else are we supposed to say?
It will be foolhardy to be doubtful of what is gainful.
Try it Out 100% Risk-FREE for 90 DAYS!
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
So, here’s a risk-free way for you to try out the Diasulin Capsule: Place your order right now, and it will be sent to you by AEPOD Courier in record time…so you can start taking it right away.
If for some reason it doesn’t work for you – even though it worked for virtually every single person so far – or if you just decide it’s not for you, then I’m offering you a 90 days money-back guarantee.
Let me restate that again.
If for any reason you’re not satisfied with the Diasulin capsule, just request a refund within 90 days, and I’ll refund your money 100%.
That means, in 90 days, you would have jumpstarted your pancreas and reversed the real cause (and painful symptoms) of your Type 2 Diabetes, or you’ll get every penny back.
Before I sign off!
Before I sign off, I really want you to think for a moment about your future and your family.
What will happen if you don’t make any changes? And What will happen if you let your diabetes destroy your life? Every day, for the rest of your life, you’ll have to go through the annoyance and pain of blood tests and insulin injections.
Think about it…
You’ll try medicine after medicine, with no results except dangerous side effects, like nausea, weight gain, and heart disease.
Not to mention all the vacations, new cars, and other luxuries you won’t be able to afford because you’re spending all your money on your diabetes medication.
Until the day you die, you’ll be a burden on your friends and family.
But even that torture won’t be enough to stop the slow decay of your body. Each day, you’ll have less energy. Each month, your body will get worse and worse.
How long until your foot won’t stop tingling, and then goes completely numb? How long until the doctor tells you they have to cut it off?
How many amputations will you go through before diabetes leads you to an early grave?
Now, I’m sorry if this scares you, but sometimes I feel like I have to be direct. After all, this was the direction my life was heading until I discovered how to Destroy My Type 2 Diabetes.
Listen: this doesn’t have to happen to you. You can destroy your Diabetes just like me and many others.
You can start enjoying life again… even eating your favorite foods that used to make your blood sugar go haywire.
You can live a long, happy life… having the energy you need to do the things you love with the people you love.
You can be free. All it takes is this natural product.
We have limited bottles of Diasulin capsule on ground. And I can’t guarantee supply if stock runs out.
Let's Conquer Type 2 Diabetes together.
To Your Success!

Rev. David O.J
Rev, David. O.J
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